Topcon SLR family

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Topcon SLR family in order of introduction.

Topcon had an early start in SLR cameras, where the first models were groundbreaking. The affair lasted about twenty years, where the late models were lackluster reincarnations of the glorious ones. In the US, Topcon sold under Beseler’s name, while in OZ under Hanimex. Several other models were rebranded or made per distributors’ specs. There are several scientific and medical cameras, namely FP-M, FP PM-FL, DM-S, MT-1, MT-2 that carry no interest to collectors.

Most Topcon SLR cameras sold today are high-end models. The cheaper models are offered as well, just there are no takers.

For real world current values of the Topcon cameras, please see 

Topcon name Topcon 2nd name Beseler name Other distributors Mount Viewer Meter Shutter  Qty made
R R Automatic 1957 B, C Exakta Interchangeable NA Cloth Horizontal                   10,000
PR 1959 Dejur Dekon SR Fixed Fixed NA Leaf                   10,000
PR II 1960 Dejur Dekon SR Fixed Fixed NA Leaf                   15,000
R 2 R 3 Automatic 1960 Exakta Interchangable NA Cloth Horizontal                   10,000
R 3 R 2 Automatic 1960 Exakta Interchangable NA Cloth Horizontal                     5,000
Wink Mirror 1960 Fixed Fixed NA Leaf                   20,000
Wink Mirror E 1961 Topconette Fixed Fixed External Leaf
RE Super Super D 1963 Super D,
Super DM
Exakta Interchangeable TTL Cloth Horizontal                   85,000
RS 1963 Exakta Interchangeable NA Cloth Horizontal                     8,000
Wink Mirror S 1963 UV Fixed External Leaf
Uni Auto 100 1965 RE Auto,
Auto 100
Hanimex RE Auto UV Fixed TTL Leaf
RE 2 1963 D-1 Hanimex RE 2 Exakta Fixed TTL Metal vertical                   55,000
Unirex 1969 Unirex UV Fixed TTL Leaf                   20,000
IC-1 auto 1973 IC-1 UV Fixed TTL Leaf
Super DM 1973 UV Fixed TTL Metal vertical                   14,000
Unirex EE 1973 UV Fixed TTL Leaf                   20,000
RE 200 1976 Exakta EDX2,
Carena KS1
Exakta Fixed TTL Metal vertical
RE 300 1978 Exakta EDX3,
Carena KS2
Exakta Fixed TTL Metal vertical
RM 300 1979 Quantaray Delta 2,
Edixa CX5,
Carena KSM 1
Pentax K Fixed TTL Metal vertical

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