Graflex Century 35 Ne

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Graflex Century 35 Ne

In 1959, Kowa introduced four rangefinder cameras under the Kallo brand:

After Graflex whet their appetite with the homegrown Graphic 35 and the more successful Kowa-made Century 35, Graflex adopted the Kallo 181 as their 1959 Century 35 Ne model. Other than the lens that had changed to an industry standard 2.0/45, it is the same as the original Kowa.

Little information is offered online or in print on the Century 35 Ne or the sister Kallo.

The camera design is modern, even in today’s style, ahead of the previous Kowa / Graflex rangefinder models. The selenium lightmeter is connected with the shutter and aperture settings, leaving no guessing room. The meter cover is slotted to be closed with a bright background, the same style as the Contaflex models.

Three rings at the front of the lens assembly control the settings: closest to the body is the aperture, thereafter is the shutter speed, and at the front is the film speed, which is an odd placement. All three rings are coupled, so once a correct EV is established, a turn of the shutter ring is compensated by the aperture.

The manual does not assist much with the dials’ settings, being curt and somewhat cryptic. My unit has a dead meter, so making sense of the settings is confusing.

For the collector, I would assume that this model was not popular at the time, and neither is it sought after today. The Kallo 140 is an exception, as it fetches a much higher price than the rest of the group.

Camdex list number 9270
Brand Graflex
Model Century 35 NE
Manual Butkus
Value At
Format 35mm
Introduced 1959
AKA Kowa Kallo 181
Country USA
Qty made
Initial price 114
Currency USD
Type Rangefinder
Body material Metal
Mode Auto / manual, SP
Weight 870 gr,  Body with lens
Class average weight 635 gr,  Body with lens
ASA range 10-800
Kit lens 2,0/45
Lens make Prominar
Filter size 40.5mm
Lens mount Fixed lens
Mount size N/A
Shutter Leaf
Shutter make Copal SVK
Trigger On top
Winder Lever
Shutter cocking Winder
Light meter Selenium, external, coupled
Lock No
Speeds B, 1-500
Mirror N/A
Viewer Coupled rangefinder
DOF preview No
Exposure lock No
Exposure compensation No
Shoe Cold
External sync X/M
Timer Yes, mechanical
Battery, original N/A
Sync speed
Battery, replacement N/A
Battery voltage N/A
Integral flash None
Service / repair links See

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